
The most attractive nose is the one that fits your face and is pleasing to you… a natural-looking nose that creates a harmonious balance with your other facial features. Rhinoplasty can dramatically alter your appearance and may also be performed to improve breathing. Therefore, rhinoplasty can be considered both cosmetic and functional; as such, some patients may qualify for insurance benefits to alleviate the cost. Rhinoplasty can be performed on men and women of almost any age. 

Rhinoplasty Considerations

The best candidates for rhinoplasty are interested in improving the appearance or function of the nose and have realistic expectations. Before you decide on rhinoplasty, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with Dr. Samuels.

These conditions could indicate that rhinoplasty surgery is right for you: 

  • Nose is not in proportion to the rest of the face
  • Nasal tip is drooping, upturned, hooked or enlarged
  • Nose bridge has humps or depressions
  • Nostrils are too large or wide
  • A history of nasal obstructions or breathing problems.

Rhinoplasty may be postponed for young patients until the nose has completed its growth, typically at 15-16 years old.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may be a good candidate if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Your nose appears too large for your face
  • There’s a hump on the top of the nose when viewed from the front
  • The nose appears too wide when viewed from the front
  • The nasal tip droops or plunges
  • The tip is wide, enlarged or asymmetric
  • The nostrils are excessively flared
  • The nose is off-center or crooked
  • A previous injury has changed the appearance of the nose
  • An airway obstruction impairs breathing

The external shape of the nose is created through the relationship of skin, bone and cartilage which make up the anatomy of the nose. To change the shape of the nose, Dr. Samuels alters the shape of the bone and cartilage underlying the skin with carving, suturing and removal of excessive structure. The skin is redraped over the altered internal anatomy to create the new look. 

To identify the aesthetic goals of the surgery and ensure that the result reflects the best shape for you, Dr. Samuels will study the relationship of the nose to other facial features, especially the lip and chin. In some cases, the chin may need to be altered to achieve the best proportion and balance. (See our CHIN IMPLANT page for more information). You can view the anticipated changes to the nose through computer imaging at your second office visit.

There are two different surgical approaches: open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. Patients considering nose surgery should be aware of the differences.

The open rhinoplasty approach or external rhinoplasty uses a few hidden incisions made inside the nostrils and adds a small bridging incision to connect the right and left nostril incisions. With the addition of this tiny visible incision, the nasal skin can be folded upward to give Dr.Samuels more access to the nose’s internal structures. This allows for precision and ease while sculpting the nose. The open rhinoplasty incision heals remarkably well and becomes nearly invisible.

The closed rhinoplasty approach or endonasal rhinoplasty uses surgical incisions positioned inside the nostrils to avoid visible scars. The endonasal approach may reduce swelling, numbness and recovery time. However, this approach limits surgical access to the internal structure of the nose, so it may be more difficult to perform complex rhinoplasty maneuvers and repositioning of the nasal skin.

The approach you choose greatly depends on your needs and desired results. Dr. Samuels will recommend the approach that’s most appropriate for you.

Before & after Results

Schedule a Rhinoplasty Consultation

For more information about rhinoplasty surgery or to see if you’re a good candidate for this procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Samuels at 502-897-9411.

Our practice serves Louisville, KY and the surrounding areas.